
SHISEI DEZAIN by Jano Navarrete

Jano is a tattoo artist with 14 years of experience, living and working in Barcelona.

My personal favorite of his new sketchbook is, aside from his intimate knowledge of the subject, the inherent elegance within its simplicity. Being a fan of draftsmanship myself, I value drawings well done and tattoos well executed.

Definitely a recommended source of inspiration.


Costanza Brogi

Wanna learn more about Japanese tattooing and the folklore/philosophy behind it?

Costanza Brogi spent more than 10 years researching the subject.

Her passion for Japan and the aspects that concern its culture, together with her passion for tattoos, led her to be very interested in horimono, the traditional Japanese tattoo, in all its forms. She began to study its history, integrating it with that of Japan, and to draw its subjects. She constantly continues to study Nihongo – the Japanese language – and to do research on the culture and history of Japan, especially the traditional one, and on everything that is linked to the world of horimono.

She published books both in Italian and Japanese.