
Advice to tattoo apprentices
Today I’ll share some tips for younger tattooers, based on my own experience and mistakes. I believe these can help you design a more clear path for your career and get more out of it.
1-Know your why
Ask yourself honestly why you wanted to be a tattooer in the first place.
Is it because of the lifestyle, the validation, the quick buck?
If that’s the case your WHY comes from a place of taking, rather than giving.
Try to shift the focus from “I” to “YOU/THEM” and ask yourself: “WHAT CAN I GIVE TO TATTOOING?” rather than “What’s in it for me?”
CONTRIBUTION here is the key word.
2-Cultivate appreciation
“When you carry your own water you learn the VALUE of every drop”.
Understand the hardships that experienced artists went through to gain a certain knowledge and don’t pretend to have it all laid on a silver plate just because. That is just naive self entitlement. Pay your share of sweat and tears with QUIET DIGNITY and PATIENCE and earn a mentor’s trust by becoming the example of rightful behavior.
If you’re going to make a difference for the better, be prepared for the long journey.
Going through those challenges, obstacles and setbacks is not only necessary but vital. You need to build your IMMUNE SYSTEM by putting yourself through the worst scenarios possible. In this sense, an apprenticeship is designed to break you apart, to gain not only the technical tools but most importantly the emotional ones to thrive under any circumstances and to separate those who wants it enough from those who don’t (obviously you gotta be aware of the fine line between a practice that is designed to build your resilience and straightforward abuse, which I do not support).
Growth lays OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Those who never faced difficulties drown with the first drops of rain, I’ve seen it.
Value the FOUNDATIONS of this trade by paying tribute to its history.
By knowing where we come from, we know where we’re going. People of the past worked hard to lay down the basis for the things we have today. Knowledge, techniques, designs, tools. The least we can do is to spend some time learning about their contributions, beyond today’s IG hotshots. This is not to keep old systems of power in place but, like art
“When you carry your own water you learn the VALUE of every drop”.
Understand the hardships that experienced artists went through to gain a certain knowledge and don’t pretend to have it all laid on a silver plate just because. That is just naive self entitlement. Pay your share of sweat and tears with QUIET DIGNITY and PATIENCE and earn a mentor’s trust by becoming the example of rightful behavior.
If you’re going to make a difference for the better, be prepared for the long journey.
Going through those challenges, obstacles and setbacks is not only necessary but vital. You need to build your IMMUNE SYSTEM by putting yourself through the worst scenarios possible. In this sense, an apprenticeship is designed to break you apart, to gain not only the technical tools but most importantly the emotional ones to thrive under any circumstances and to separate those who wants it enough from those who don’t (obviously you gotta be aware of the fine line between a practice that is designed to build your resilience and straightforward abuse, which I do not support).
Growth lays OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Those who never faced difficulties drown with the first drops of rain, I’ve seen it.
Value the FOUNDATIONS of this trade by paying tribute to its history.
By knowing where we come from, we know where we’re going. People of the past worked hard to lay down the basis for the things we have today. Knowledge, techniques, designs, tools. The least we can do is to spend some time learning about their contributions, beyond today’s IG hotshots. This is not to keep old systems of power in place but, like art
INVEST back into tattooing by SUPPORTING your favorite artists by getting tattooed; investing in good books; buying equipment from experienced tattooers and not those just trying to exploit the industry.
THINK twice before speaking (or commenting, especially in this age of digital detachment where we often fail to understand that behind a profile on IG there is an actual human being) and focus on what that is gonna bring for everybody, not just yourself (you can listen to Andreas Coenen’s words on ep. 5 of the Tattoo Tales podcast, he makes wise remarks). Sometimes egotistic behaviors may affect the collective for the worst.
3-Work hard
Give ALL YOU’VE GOT and then give a bit more.
All successful businesses are built upon the foundation of hard work. That means work hard by day, draw/paint/study by night, weekends included. The will to go the extra mile is what separates who makes it from who doesn’t. The difference? One just didn’t want it enough.
4-Treasure versatility
A true tattooer (more of a craftsman than an artist in my opinion) should be able to satisfy every request that comes through the door. One trick ponies are just good for the internet.
First of all it’s about mastering (or aiming at that) the art of tattooing in its entirety, learning a set of skills which covers different styles. Such skills are mutually complementary when incorporated in the style you specifically choose to pursue.
Then let’s remember that this is a service industry not a platform for individualism.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, not the picture.
5-Know your tools
These days you don’t have to solder your own needles anymore but nevertheless you need to know your tools. Invest time to learn everything you can regarding machines, needles, pigments, it will skyrocket your efficiency.
6-Invest in yourself
You are your n.1 asset so is your mental health.
Cultivate HEALTHY ROUTINES for body and mind, so that you can perform well for a long time and be grounded in stormy times. Then create an environment to support them (peer group etc.)
Train MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE ( through meditation and philosophy, Stoicism is a good place to start) to keep things in perspective.
Try to see the good in a situation and stir your perception of external events in a positive and constructive light (you can’t control them but you can control your reaction to them).
As Abraham Lincoln said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax”.
7-Stay humble
Never reach the point where you think you’re too good for that tattoo (or anything else for that matter). I worked alongside people with 40+ years of tattooing and those who stayed on top are those who never stopped asking questions, listening, learning.
“The fool talks, the smart stays quiet, the wise listens”, as they say.
And remember, true leaders LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
I hope these few pointers might help form a new generation of mindful, talented, sensible and hard working tattooers that contributes to the benefit of the whole industry and those involved, being colleagues or clients.

Japanese folklore is very rich in the supernatural department. I’m sure many of you are fascinated with yōkai, these colorful characters used over the centuries to illustrate myths, legends and superstitions.
Wanna know more?
This book is a great place to start, with many stories, pictures and origins of these both funny and scary characters.

A peek behind my process
I have just started a new page on Instagram with an educational focus.
Here I share the behind the scenes of my drawing and painting process, updates on new educational products like Mentorship and seminars, and overall tips to improve your skills